Below you will find the answers to some of the more frequently asked questions related to the use of this web portal (Some documents may open in a separate window).
- How do I access the WIRSPA Intranet portal?
The WIRSPA Intranet portal can be accessed at or via the link on the homepage of the ‘Members’ section of this website. Enter the username and password which were sent in your email and hit enter. Please note – Your username should be entered in the format: wirspausername. E.g. If your username is john.doe, you will enter wirspajohn.doe. - Which web browsers can I use to access the intranet?
The intranet works well with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later. However, it will work with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera as well. However, users may experience some problems when attempting to access it with Safari. - I have forgotten my username and password. Can I change it?
You cannot edit your username or password, however, your credentials will be resent to you upon request.
Click here to request assistance with your password or any other issue you might have with the intranet. - I’m getting an error when I try to connect and the browser does not display the page.
Your browser may not be able to access secure sites.
Click here to read the solution (opens in a separate window).You may need to add the intranet to your ‘Safe Sites’.
Click here to see how.If you’re using a firewall, it may be blocking port 444. Configure your firewall to allow connections on port 444. There are several firewalls available; check the website of your firewall’s manufacturer to find out how to do it.
Click here for instructions for Windows firewall. - My Browser says it cannot find the proxy server. What should I do?
Your browser may be configured to connect to a proxy server which is not available.
Click here to read the solution.